firsts we’ve celebrated

We weren’t living together for first steps or first words.  So far, the firsts we have celebrated with little sister and big brother include…

  • first time learning what full feels like

  • first time drinking bubble tea

  • first time playing hot potato

  • first time spraying whipped cream by yourself

  • first time learning what marriage is, why people wear wedding rings, and what an anniversary is

  • first time hearing “Mary Did You Know?“, “Away In a Manager”, and the story of Jesus’ birthday

  • first time wrapping a present

  • first time getting a shirt off by yourself

  • first time having a hot fudge sundae from McDonald’s.  We were in the drive thru…

Me: Ou!  Do you know what McDonald’s has?

Little sister/Big brother: What?!

Me:  Hot fudge sundaes.

Big brother:  No thank you.

Me:  Seriously?  It’s ice cream with chocolate.

Big brother:  No thank you.

Little sister:  I’ll try it.

I ordered 2. (one for myself and one for the kids to share)  Guess who asked for more after dinner…

Published 1/8/2015


I didn’t realize i am on a list of only 25


the disney world effect